Intro to Linguistics


Linguistics: the study of language


Language: the mean of communication to express feelings, thoughts and ideas, through the use of sounds and signs.


Communication: when a message, with meaning is delivered from speaker to listener.



Things that make up a language


1-     Anthropological linguistics: the study of inter relationship between language and culture

2-     Historical linguistics: the study of how language changed through time and relationship among languages

3-       Morphology linguistics: the study of the ways in which words are constructed out of smaller units that have meaning.

4-     Phonetics: the study of speech sounds.

5-     Phonology: the study of sound pattern/system of language.

6-     Syntax: the study of ways in which sentences are constructed, and how they are related to each other.

7-     Semantics: the study of meaning of words, [phrasal meaning and intentional meaning]

8-     Pragmatics: the study of how meaning conveyed by a word or sentence depends on aspects of the context in which it is used.

9-     Socio Linguistics: the study of interrelationship of language and social structure of linguistic variation [dialects and accents etc] and of attitude towards language.

10- Psycholinguistic: the study of the relationship of language and mind. The acquisition of language [first language by children]

11- Applied linguistics: the application of linguistic theories of language learning and teaching [second language]


Different Knowledge in the Language:

1-     Knowledge of sound of language

2-     Knowledge of words of language

·         How words are pronounced

·         Category of words

·         Meaning[s] of words

·         How words are used in a sentence

3-     Knowledge of sentences and non-sentences.


Competence and Performance

Competence: is native speakers conscious knowledge of his/her language.

Performance: is the actual use of the language


What is Grammar?

-          Traditional grammar: Rules [only sentences]

-          Grammar: 1- Sounds and sound patterns

       2- Words and unit of meaning

       3- Rules for making meaningful sentences.


2 types of Grammar:

1-     Perspective Grammar: tells speaker what they should say. They write self rules and tells them t follow these rules. If the speaker follows the rule theirs will be correct. If they didn’t it will be corrupt.

·         Don’t End a sentence with a preposition

E.g. This is the man I gave the book to

      This is the man to whom I gave the book.

·         Don’t use double negative

E.g. I don’t like nothing

      I don’t like anything


2-     Descriptive Grammar: do not tell what people should day. It tells what people say without passing judgment.



1-     Verbal communication: sounds

2-     Non-verbal communication: facial, body, hand gestures


Sign language: language for deaf/mute people


Animal Communication: onomatopoeia: words, which imitate sounds of nature.


Sounds [finite]    made up of “consonants and vowels”


Words [finite]


Sentences [infinite]



Phonetics: the study of human speech sound


Spoken language:

1-     Different letters same sound

2-     Same letter different sounds

3-     Silent letters

4-     Sound/no letter