Poetic Language


Onomatopoeia: the words sound like the objects it is describing. [for example, Splash, and bang] 

Allusion: it is the indirect reference or a quotation used in someone’s literary work that was taking from another work.

Indirect reference: it is the usage of someone else’s word, phrase or passage without mentioning where the provenance, is situated.

Quotation: it is like an Echo. And it is the repetition of what someone said precisely without changing or editing it.

The references or quotes can be from the following fields

1-     History: like event or character, example like queen Elizabeth

2-     Literature: for instance classical or modern

3-     Religion: Such as from the bible

4-     Myth or Legend: like using Greek or Roman gods for example

Alliteration: the use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words that are close together in a sentence

2 types of Alliteration are

1-     Consonance: Lovely Lucy Locket [using consonants]

2-      Assonance:  An apple a day [using vowels]

 Ambiguity: the art of playing around with connotations and denotations.

Connotation: is the hidden meaning behind an obvious word. [for example, a rose can mean ‘love’]

 Denotation: the exact meaning behind the obvious word [for example, the rose is a type of flower, with a beautiful sent and look’s pleasant. It can also be found in a number of different colors]